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Lasers, gyroscopes, telescopes, fusion, fission and chemical reactions...

This year at Kings Club we will excitedly explore the amazing SonSpark Labs!

Please note that Kindy and Pre-Primary places are reserved for families who have older siblings registering in year 1 to 6.

We are now completely full!

Email to be placed on the waiting list.



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About Us 

King’s Club is a fabulously fun, energy soaked and jam-packed annual school holiday program. It runs for 5 days, Monday to Friday during the 1st week of the July school holidays. Each day is a hive of activity with 250 excited children teaming about. Some might think this equals chaos! Some may think we are crazy, but our carefully selected team of volunteers have being doing this for so many years that they operate like a well coordinated machine.  We’ll let you in on a little secret… they have so much fun every year they are lining up to sign up before we can ask.  

Our program is primarily for Year 1 – 6, but we also cater in a limited capacity for younger siblings who are in Kindy or  

Pre-Primary (please see FAQ’s).  Each year we have a different theme and every day is an exciting program designed to engage, enthrall and energize children through Bible time, craft, recreation, dancing, singing and an essential morning tea. 

There is a one-off administration fee per child. Apart from this one-off admin fee the King's Club program is absolutely free! 

This has been a much anticipated annual children's event that fills up fast. 

Check-in is open at 8:30am where we have fun activities available for your children.  The program starts at 9am and finishes at 12:30. Please make sure your child is there by 9am, as they don't like to miss out on any fun!

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Parents / Caregivers 


We love having parents stick around at King’s Club. We have a cozy café where you can come and relax

or catch up with some friends.  

We know life and being a parent can be tough sometimes, so we have people and pastors

available if you need to chat with someone or just need someone to pray with you (confidentially, of course). 


We love having your kids and life is busy so

feel free to drop and go…we get it! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What time should I be there?

Lazy mornings during holidays are cool (save them for week 2), most children don’t want to miss the fun and games that we play before 9am. Our check-in desk opens at 8:30 and our program starts at 9am and finishes at 12:30.  

Where's the Packing list?

There is no packing list! (No lunches and school bags) 

This involves: 

  1. Child 

  2. Comfy casual clothes and sensible shoes – for child. 

  3. A jumper – we love nature and hold as many activities outside as we can.  

  4. Barcodes 

We're new, what do we do?

First of all, pat yourself on the back and say, ‘well done!’ Your child will no doubt love it! When you arrive on Monday, things can feel a little overwhelming… don’t stress! After the first day you and your child will know exactly what to do.  

We’ll walk you through the process, but in a nutshell when you arrive a Registration Pack will be waiting for you. This bag of goodies has some pretty important stuff inside. So before you grab a cuppa and relax, there are a couple of things that you will need to do. 

  1. Check all information on the form is correct and sign it.  There is one form for each child. 

  2. You will receive one bar code and one duplicate bar code for every child. If you have a smart phone take a photo of one of the bar codes for each child. 

  3. If your child has any medical issues or items that need to be handed in to our First Aid  Desk Volunteer, please go to the First Aid desk before check-in. 

  4. Then get in the queue and sign your child/ren in. Each child has an individual bar code. (Please note: You will need this barcode to sign your child out at 12:30 at the end of the program. 

So here is the rub of it. KEEP YOUR CHILD’S BARCODES SAFE! We take the safety of the children in our care VERY seriously! If you lose your bar code or send someone to pick up your child without a barcode – this will take time for us to do our checks and balances. This involves time and effort on your part too.  As a parent, you will need a photo ID and if you have sent someone else without your child’s barcode, they will also need photo ID and have to be preapproved on your registration form.  We DO NOT compromise your child’s safety, so please remember your child’s barcodes and keep them safe. 

How do I scan my child in and out?

Barcodes, Barcodes & BARCODES! We use barcodes to: 

  1. Help maintain the effective safety of your child while in our care. 

  2. Help speed up the process when signing your child in and out.   

  3. Help ensure your child is being picked up by either you or an authorised person to do so.  

Having your barcodes ready when signing your child in or out will help speed things up.  In saying that there are sometimes delays, a little patience goes a looooong way and is much appreciated.   

If you don’t have your child’s barcode there is no short cut.  Please don’t stand in the main queues, there is a special desk designated for you to go to. Photo ID will be required.   

Can I stay with my child?

Sure, we love having parents stick around at Kings Club! We have an amazing café with volunteer barista’s and people to serve you.  Catch up with friends, stay for a chat, or just have a little ‘me’ time.   

We work hard to ensure we recruit enough leaders and volunteers to create a safe, well-supervised environment for your child and we welcome any parents keen to stay with their child.  If you would like to stay with your child and join in the fun anytime past 9:30am that is fab. BUT you will need to register as a ‘Visitor’ at the Reception desk.  Please also note you will be accompanied by leader at all times until you deregister at the Reception desk.  We trust that you understand that these precautions are necessary, you wouldn’t want unaccompanied strangers around your child either. 

Stay as long as you like, or drop your children off and run - it's completely up to you! 

Help! My child is a bit Clingy...

We understand! Sometimes this happens and we want your child to feel happy and secure with us.  So feel free to hangout with them until they are settled, especially if they are young.  If you have to drop and go and your child doesn’t settle we will call you and let you know. 

If you do decide to join in the fun, anytime past 9:30am that is fab. BUT you will need to register as a ‘Visitor’ at the Reception desk.  Please also note you will be accompanied by leader at all times until you deregister at the Reception desk.  We trust that you understand that these precautions are necessary, you wouldn’t want unaccompanied strangers around your child either. 

Why is there a limit on K/PP

Our program is primarily geared for Primary school aged children.  We know that the younger siblings love to hang with the ‘big kids’. So we make their program age appropriate for them.  However, because they are younger they require a high adult to child ratio and we only have space for so many.  So we can only cater for the siblings of children already registered in the program and only for a certain number.  So, it is ‘first in, best dressed’. 

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What is the Friday Night Finale and can I still come? 

Your family and Kings Club child are invited to the Friday Night Finale.  We serve light refreshments from 5:30pm and at 6:15 we see what your children have been doing all week. If you forgot to let us know or your plans have changed and you would like to come along, this isn't a problem. Please send an email to to let us know how many will be attending. This is a celebration that the children absolutely LOVE and is a fun evening for the whole family! 

My child is sick OR can't come today!

Our waiting lists are extensive and many children on the waiting list will come early every morning in the hope that there is a cancellation.  The MOMENT you know your child can’t make it for the day, please let us know.  

On another note, we have children who have compromised immunity’s. If your child is unwell, please DON’T send them, this kind of ‘sharing isn’t caring’

Early pick up?

No problemo, we charge $15 for this little service….just kidding!  But, and here is the ‘But’, please make a 15 minute allowance for early pick up, more if you are picking up multiple children.   You may ask ‘why all the drama?’ We have to locate your children from various locations within the premises and escort them back to reception (given that they come willingly), only then can check them out.   

Best thing to do is give us a call ahead of time (we don’t make any promises, but will try) to have your child ready and waiting. Please report and wait at the Reception desk for early pick up. 

What if someone else needs to pick up my child? 

If your child is to be collected by someone other than whom you've nominated, you can take a photo of your barcode with your smartphone and send it to whom you wish to give authority to collect your child. Please notify us before pick up time on 9448 7018 of this change to avoid delays in the sign out queue. 

What do you teach?

We are a ministry of North Beach Baptist Church, which is a Christian church.  Among many things we also teach from the Bible, mainly the Gospel. If you are keen for more info, take a look at the rest of our website, or if you would rather chat with someone about it, feel free to call one of the pastors. 

Do you serve food?

​Yes, we serve a yummy ‘scrumdilliuptious’ morning tea! This morning snack and water keeps the gets the children recharged and hydrated for the rest of their busy morning. 

What if my child has food allergies? 

We do our utmost to be inclusive of all our children visiting King's Club. However, if your child does have food allergies that prohibit them from partaking of the morning tea, we ask parents to provide their own morning tea pack with their name and age marked on the pack.

Who are your volunteers? 

Let’s be blunt, these guys are amazing! We have an army of carefully selected, out of this world, dynamo volunteers. They primarily come from our North Beach Baptist Church community, but our ex-participants can’t help themselves and try and volunteer too (never too old for fun)!  

But here is the important stuff. We adhere to a strict screening program to ensure that all adults working with children have been cleared to do so. The screening process includes a National Police Clearance, Reference Checks Character checks and a current Working with Children Check card. We go well beyond what is legally required, as the children in our care is really important to us.  

What about first aid?

We give out buckets of TLC, but know there are times when a little more than TLC is necessary. You can rest easy, we always have a few trained First Aid volunteers on duty for the duration of King's Club. Failing that, we will give you a call and ask how you would like us to proceed (unless of course it is an emergency!) 

Please discuss any medical conditions, asthma puffers and Epipens noted on the registration form with our First Aid volunteer BEFORE signing in your child on your child's first day at King's Club.  This goes a long way to mitigating any potential risks for your child. 

We have to adhere to strict legal requirements regarding Epipens, puffers or medication?  If you are unsure as to what this involves please feel free to contact us for clarification. Please note, we DO NOT keep spare Epipens or puffers on the premises. 


Contact us


10 Groat Street, North Beach, WA

9448 7018

Office Hours:
9am-5pm weekdays

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